
Showing posts from June, 2022


    MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE TWENTY-ONE Cyborg vs Ironman Fighting Video TITLE: Cyborg vs Superman DC UNIVERSE Superman took Lois to the nearest Hospital, left Lois in the Hospital and flew away around the city with full speed to search for the person that hurt Lois Again, fortunately Superman found Him again and target lock him, Superman is ready to crush him to hell, as Superman zoomed to crush Loki, Cyborg shot a huge beam on superman. Superman loose his target, get his balance back, he get annoyed and ask cyborg, Superman: Cyborg why did you do this? Cyborg: Superman you have to calm down let’s settle this, let Justice Take place. Ironman vs Cyborg Fighting Video Superman: settle what after killing Lois? He said in annoyance Cyborg: Just calm down Superman: Cyborg don’t stand on my way or else you will die with him Cyborg: No I’m not allowing you to do this. Superman: Well it’s already done Superman sudd


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE TWENTY Odin vs Darkseid Fighting Video TITLE: Odin inform Thor about Loki ASGUARD Odin was on his throne when one of the prison guard came to him and told him that Loki was missing in the prison and replaced with one of the guards, the guard further his explanation, that Loki normally shape shift to anyone maybe Loki was still the one inside prison, and Odin replied that Loki is no longer in Asguard, that the guard should go and free the other prison guard who is trapped in Loki prison, and the guard does as Odin has said. Odin contact Thor from Asguard to inform him that Loki has broken the prison, and escape from Asguard. Thanos vs Zeus Fighting Video MARVEL UNIVERSE Thor was walking at an entrance in Stark Lab, and Thor saw Odin face on the wall, and Odin was giving Thor some information. Odin: Thor have you seen your brother, Loki? Thor: He is in the prison at Asguard, I don’t come here wi


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE NINETEEN Flash vs Ironman Fighting Video TITLE: Bruce report Superman to the Justice League DC UNIVERSE Bruce Wayne was confused because he don’t know what is going on with superman but he surely Know superman is about to hurt someone, and he has to stop him. Bruce Wayne call on the rest Justice League telling them that Superman has gone berserk, Flash was a CSI, investigating in some cases in his lab, when he received Bruce Wayne message. Cyborg was on his way to Bruce location when he receive received Bruce message. Aqua man was in Atlantis when he received Bruce Message. Wonder Woman was on her way to visit the Amazon when he received message from Bruce. Wonder Woman vs Thor Fighting Video After Bruce have contact the whole Justice league, he move inside his car and drove off to his cave to suit up, and hop into his bat mobile and drove off to superman location. Superman came to the scene w


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE EIGHTEEN Odin vs Zeus Fighting Video TITLE: Asguard Prison break ASGUARD One of the prison guard was walking around and checking on all the prisoner, to check on how they are doing. As he was moving around in the prison yard, he heard a loud noise coming out from a particular direction, then he follow the direction of the noise, on getting there, he found one of the prison guard locked in the prison, where Loki was hold captive, he was surprise and ask what’s happening, he replied Loki tricked him and escape, he believe him at first and later rethink, because he knew Loki can shape shift, and he don’t want to be deceived by Loki, he went to inform Odin first. DC UNIVERSE They both laugh, suddenly, Clark heard a loud scream of Lois on his hear, immediately superman was on rage. Superman vs Batman Fighting Video Bruce Wayne was asking Superman what’s wrong, but he was on rage, Superman was looking lik


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE SEVENTEEN Superman vs Captain America Fighting Video TITLE: Loki hurt Lois Lane DC UNIVERSE Loki heard someone behind him trying to get his attention, Loki turn back and warned the woman Loki: woman if you love yourself and you still want to live long, just go your way, and I go my way, there won’t be trouble. Lois: Excuse me sir, where are you from? Are you from this universe? Where did you get this your costume it looks like an ancient god’s costume? Lois brought out her camera and start taking different pictures of Loki and also recording him, Loki got pissed off and struck Lois with his staff, the staff hurt Lois so much and Lois scream on top of her voice. Batman vs Hawkeye Fight Video Clark also known as Superman and Bruce Wayne who is also known as Batman was having a discussion on a beautiful garden, Superman: Bruce Wayne you know, you don’t have to stress yourself finding a job, you


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE SIXTEEN Loki vs Superman Fighting Video TITLE: Loki escaped from Asguard ASGUARD In Asguard Loki was still inside the prison where he was kept, the prison was rocky, all made with rock, with an iron strong gate, Loki felt bored, he was think how to escape from the prison, and he called on the guard, as the guard got to where Loki was kept he couldn’t see Loki he was surprise, he called on Loki but no one answered, he opened the gate, where Loki was kept, and move inside to check where Loki would have escape, as he moved inside he saw Loki outside already, he was surprise Loki shut the gate on him, and threw the key away. Loki fined his way and escape to Earth Unity, he knew Thor would be in Marvel Universe, and if he sees him he would return him back to prison in Asgard, so he decided to go to the Dc universe. Batman vs Loki Fighting Video DC UNIVERSE On getting there he went to the city, many peopl


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE FIFTEEN Batman vs Captain America Fight video TITLE: Avengers have Issues with Batman MARVEL UNIVERSE Not long when Ironman left he came back, and met the Avengers where they are still catching fun. Thor was the first person to ask Ironman, why Batman wanted to see him? Thor: Ironman what did the Bat told you? Ironman: he said I should not hurt superman? Thor: So you are a threat to their universe heroes that means their heroes are too weak to be called heroes. Ironman: I don’t know, but I think Batman know I’m capable of defeating superman. Thor: I heard Darkseid comparing me to superman, that weak hero that you can defeat, I can’t wait for Darkseid to feel the real power of an Asguardian. Ironman: don’t allow pride get over you, or else superman might beat you. Thor: never, that’s not possible, but I’m looking forward to have a fight with the Dc heroes. Ironman: I think Batman


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE FOURTEEN Ironman vs Superman Fight Video TITLE: Batman warned Ironman about Superman issue DC UNIVERSE Ironman and Batman met at the top of a building in a Dc Universe. Ironman: Batman you want me now I’m here Batman stretches his hand forward to shake Ironman as a welcome greeting, Ironman receive Batman hand shake. Batman: you are welcome Ironman Ironman: you said you want to see me Batman: how did you get it? Ironman: get what? Batman: Superman’s weakness kryptonite Hulkbuster vs Superman Fight Video Ironman: (shocked) how did you know I have it, are you spying on me? Anyway I don’t understand what you are talking? And I don’t have anything against superman. Batman: I have a warning for you, if you hurt superman with that kryptonite, I will teach you a lesson you will never forget. As Ironman is about to reply Batman, Batman Suddenly disappear off his sight, he can’t find ba


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE THIRTEEN Thor vs Batman Fight Video TITLE: Thor complains about Batman MARVEL UNIVERSE All the Avengers was in the hall, when Ironman left to meet Batman, and Thor start discussing with Captain America, Thor: Why is he going to meet Batman? Captain America: He is having an appointment with Batman. Thor: You all know Batman is cunny, proud and tricky. Captain America: I can see you don’t like Batman and you also know that Ironman is a smart man so he will be fine. Thor what issue did you have with Batman? Captain America vs Batman Thor: There was a day I and Batman met, he called me Thor son of Odin, and can you imagine that? He is just a mortal, he knows too much. Captain America: (smile) that is because Batman is a great detective. Thor: So I warned him to get Odin out of his wide mouth, or else I will strike me, he told me he can defeat me, I should not push my luck and he left, I t


  MARVEL VS DC CROSSOVER SEASON 1 JUSTICE LEAGUE VS AVENGERS EPISODE TWELVE Ironman vs Batman Fight Video TITLE: Batman contact Ironman MARVEL UNIVERSE Captain America came into Ironman’s Lab to discuss with Ironman Captain America:   Are you still tracking Darkseid Ironman: Yeah, he is getting closer every day, he really mean what he said. Captain America: Let him come we will be here to receive him, so what are your plans for him. Ironman: I have a max hulk buster suit, and I’m looking forward to build Darkseid buster. Captain America: but did you know how powerful he is, we need a solid plan. Ironman: we have fight powerful villains powerful than us before, and we won. Captain America: yeah you are right. Ironman phone rang, he check the screen of the phone, and he was surprise with what he saw on his phone call. Ironman: Cap can you believe Batman from the Dc Universe is calling me. Captain America: Pick it and hear what information he his